Fight for Dignity in Pay!

The Illinois General Assembly will soon return to Springfield for the 2024 Veto Session, and we need your voice to urge the Illinois State Senate to pass House Bill 793, known as The Dignity in Pay Act. Take action today to responsibly end sub-minimum wage employment for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and ensure equal pay and equitable employment resources for all!

The Dignity in Pay Act is the result of extensive research and negotiation, and throughout that process the bill was amended multiple times to address various concerns about eliminating sub-minimum wage programs. Many individuals with I/DD throughout the state participate in these employment programs, and their daily routines would be impacted by a sudden elimination of the program. However, the amended version of the Dignity in Pat Act ensures consistent oversight and reporting throughout a lengthy phase-out period assisting providers with the transition towards minimum wage employment.

There are 5 key changes to the legislation listed below which caused Clearbrook to officially support, and advocate on behalf of, the Dignity in Pay Act:

  1. The bill establishes a phase-out period ending in 2029 rather than immediate elimination of sub-minimum wage programs.
  2. The bill would empower the established Employment and Economic Opportunity for Persons with Disabilities Task Force (EEOPD) to research and develop a multi-year phase-out plan. The EEOPD will continue to monitor and report on the progress in implementation to the Illinois General Assembly and Governor through 2030.
  3. The bill would create a transition grant fund to assist providers transition their sub-minimum wage programs into minimum wage community integrated employment through wage subsidies.
  4. The bill would increase the rates for Supported Employment programs, empowering providers to expand their employment resources and help more individuals with I/DD find and retain community employment.
  5. The bill would increase the monthly personal needs allowance (PNA) for all CILA residents from $60 per month to $100 per month allowing individuals with I/DD to retain more of their federal supplemental security income (SSI), which is especially beneficial to individuals who are neither employed nor seeking employment. The PNA would also be tied to annual social security cost of living adjustments, ensuring PNA increases in the future.

The Dignity in Pay Act would make tremendous strides towards economic justice for individuals with I/DD and help more individuals become active members of their communities while earning fair wages for fair work. Across the country, 13 states have already eliminated sub-minimum wage employment for individuals with I/DD, and a few months ago the bill was passed in the Illinois House of Representatives. Join our efforts by taking action on this campaign and push to pass Dignity in Pay through the Illinois State Senate!