
Advocacy Successes

  • $6.50 DSP wage rate increase since 2020
  • Over 1,200 members of the Clearbrook Advocacy Network
  • 5 Self-Advocacy Groups
  • 2 Advocacy Days in 2 years
  • 3 legislative breakfasts in 3 years
  • Thousands of advocacy actions taken each year

FY23 Advocacy Successes

  • $1.00/hour increase in DSP wages
  • $94.8 million for the Guidehouse Implementation
  • $45 million to annualize FY22 Guidehouse investments
  • $26.3 million dedicated to provide care to 700 individuals on the PUNS list
  • $15.5 million COLA increase for community based services
  • $28.8 million for temporary COVID relief and COLA increases.
  • Started our self-advocacy program
  • First virtual breakfast, with 9 legislators in attendance.

FY24 Advocacy Successes

  • $2.50/hour increase for DSP wages
  • $56.7 million to annualize FY23 Guidehouse investments
  • $40 million to increase Early Intervention service capacity
  • $10 million to expand regionality factor to Community Day Services
  • $26 million to annualize FY23 Ligas Placements and for FY24 Ligas Placements
  • $27.6 million for rate adjustment for home-based services.
  • $12.5 million re-appropriation from FY23 supplemental funding for one-time DSP investments
  • $22.8 million in funding to begin implementing the Children’s Behavioral Health Transformation Initiative
  • $10 million for a state-based health insurance marketplace to help expand healthcare access
  • Over $400 million dollars for various mental and behavioral health grants and programs.
  • First Advocacy Day in Springfield, meeting with 9 legislators.
  • Second legislative breakfast, meeting with 13 legislators.

FY25 Advocacy Successes

  • $1.00/hour increase for DSP wages
  • Prevented a $87.7 million cut on DSP hours
  • $60 million for State Operated Developmental Centers
  • $3 million for 20 additional medical bed hold days
  • Reimbursement for telehealth services
  • $7.5 million investment into the Behavioral Health Student Loan Repayment Program
  • $50 million appropriation for Mental Health Block Grant, with a $13.3 million increase in Mental Health grants
  • $11 million subject to federal matching funds for psychiatric rate add-ons
  • $40 million to develop over 90 new Permanent Supportive Housing units
  • $12.5 million to create 500 new scattered site PSH units
  • $30 million for increased Medicaid mental health rates
  • Advocacy Day in Springfield, meeting 14 legislators.
  • Third annual legislative breakfast with 14 legislators.